Feeling anxious? Hug a tree today.

It is an anxious and frankly terrifying world out there at the moment. The violence and suffering we are witnessing in the Middle East are hard to watch. Personally, I have experienced feelings of powerlessness and guilt about the fact that my little ones are safe and I have a roof over my head. I have had to ration my time on social media to stay present for my clients and my home life – again, this is a huge privilege.

As a parent, I am doing my best to instill mindfulness in my son. He is nearly 3 years old, and his tantrums often get the better of him. When he is coming through the other side, I take his hands and encourage him to breathe in and out. I want him to see that this anger can be something that is outside of him. Hopefully, this practice of mindfulness is sinking in on a subconscious level. A tantrum is the primitive brain in full swing!

Yesterday, I truly embraced my hippie roots by taking my son out tree-hugging. We are very lucky to live near a forest in East London, which has become my sanctuary.

We found the biggest tree we could and hugged it. Naturally, this soon turned into a game of hide and seek. Fun and humour are paramount to good mental health!

Did you know that hugging a tree has a similar effect to hugging a person? Your body becomes flooded with Oxytocin, the ‘Love Hormone,’ making us feel warm and fuzzy. Walking among trees, also more modernly known as ‘Forest bathing,’ lowers our blood pressure, cortisol levels, and pulse rates. It stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and relaxation) and calms the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight).

Trees are natural conductors of the Earth's energy. When you hug a tree, you tune into the holistic healing power of nature. Research shows that spending time around trees can reduce stress, improve our immune systems, lower blood pressure, and help support recovery from illness or trauma.

Wishing you well today.

Warm regards

Ella Wolfman, S F Hypnotherapist


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